Software development engineering student, with focus in Front-End.

Rubén López del Castillo

Developer with a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Proficient in React, passionate about writing clean and efficient code, and continuously expanding my skills to improve every day.

50 projects in 50 days - HTML, CSS and JavaScript

This course provides me with intensive practice in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through a series of engaging small projects. The skills I'm developing are greatly enhancing my web development abilities and will help build my confidence as I tackle real-world projects in the future.

Some examples: Movie app, Theme clock, Drag N Drop, Pokedex and Drawing App.
See all:Github


I have developed an application that transforms study notes into questions, facilitating active learning. Connected to a PostgreSQL database, I have implemented almost all CRUD functions, except for the delete option. The frontend is built with pure JavaScript, and the backend is developed with Node.js. I deployed it on Vercel, allowing access to the application from anywhere. This tool effectively organizes knowledge and makes it practical for studying.

ToDo React App

I developed a React task manager app inspired by Google Keep. The tasks are stored in localStorage, allowing them to persist even after reloading the page. I also deployed it to Vercel.

Frontend Master Profile

I work on quite a few projects on FrontendMasters, so here’s the link to my profile where you can check out everything I’ve done. I’m really active there, and it’s been a great resource for practice and learning.